Objectives & Activities of Mahasangha

After the demise of Lord Sri Sri Bholanath in 1993 (28/10/1993), Param Bholanath(Mastermasai) Mahasangha was established & it was registered on 09/11/1995 under W.B Society Registration Act, 1961.

Spiritual Work

  • To make constant thrive for upliftment of spiritual potentiality of people in general by following the path shown by seer Bholanath.
  • To spread the Nammantra “KALI KALI KALI NAMAH SHIBAYA” as given by Lord Bholanath for masses to attain peace of mind & enlightening one's own soul.
  • To publish various books & magazines including “Aloke Parabare” on the ideas and doctrine propounded by Lord Bholanath & also his conversation with the disciples in digital format.
  • To celebrate religious festivals like Guru Purnima, Janmastami , Birth Anniversary of Lord Bholanath, etc. to memorise him and also to conduct spiritual Work shop.

Social Work

  • To extend financial help to poor students of schools & colleges for continuing their higher studies.
  • To distribute free medicines & protein substitute among poor villagers & organise medical camp for check-up of general health by doctor devotees including Homeopathy treatment. Monetary Assistance to old & distressed women in Remote areas of West Bengal in particular & India in general.
  • Programme for building an oldage home & orphanage.

Relief Work

  • Performing benevolent works for backward people in villages, distribution of sweaters and clothes in winter season among poor old and needy people. The Society has undertaken a small village in Bhirbhum District in West Bengal for this Philanthropic work.
  • Distribution of new sarees among poor women before Durga puja in every year.
  • Helping the victims of Natural disaster. Our volunteers were instrumental in providing help and relief materials in Tornedo affected victims of Orrissa & Aila affected people of Sundarban, (West Bengal).

Our Belief

We believe that with the blessings of Lord Bholanath our mahasangha will go from strength to strength. We require active physical and financial support from you to go ahead with our philanthropic Zeal. You can also be a part of this new Social movement.

Any donation made should only be in the name of "Param Bholanath( Mastermasai) Mahasangha" and by Account Payee Cheque or by Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque.