Bholanath Mukhopadhaya is known as “Master Mahashaya” and “Param Bholanath” in the circle of his devotees. He was always far away from public glare and passed almost unnoticed as a simple school teacher at Vivekananda School, Howrah.

Bholanath as he was

Bholanath Mukhopadhaya is known as “Master Mahashaya” and “Param Bholanath” in the circle of his devotees. He was always far away from public glare and passed almost unnoticed as a simple school teacher at Vivekananda School, Howrah. Neither hardly anyone of his colleagues nor anyone in and around the neighborhood or any member of his family could exactly or precisely realize the divine being that Bholanath was. It is also not true to say that more of them could have any inkling of his greatness. Whatever may be the manifestation of the Supreme Being in him, a strange magical spell seemed to be working to cloud the vision of such persons

There might have been the play of some unseen forces so than his importance or his glory was lost sight of or diluted as part of divine design. Bholanath knew extremely well how to make others forgetful and unmindful of his greatness. It seems that the visions of persons around him got blurred so that they could not see him in true light. So intense was the privacy of his glorious light. He always behaved like a common man and the commonness in him could scarcely leave him. Form time to time by happy chance, there would he immense manifestation of the divinity in him in a full-fledged manner to such few turned out to be his devotees. They alone smelt that God came down to earth this time as an ordinary school teacher, doing his domestic chores

He was a confirmed bachelor but he never shrugged off his worldly duties. He was down-to-earth and at the same time, he would find himself merged into the highest self. Though steeped in supreme consciousness, he how the extraordinary ability to conceal his greatness. Even his devotees who happened to understand to a considerable degree what he was, failed, more often than not, to hold on to the belief that here was God himself present among them and they frequently wavered between accepting his divinity and looking upon him as one of them, as an ordinary man of flesh and blood.

Divine Birth of Bholanath And The Divine Task Ahead of Him

Bholanath was born of Amarnath Mukhopadhya and Sarasibala Devi. Amarnath Mukhopadhya spiritual temperament lay in the fact thatthough steeped in the Gita, he never divulged anything about his spiritual frame of mind. A few minutes defore his death, he asked Bholanath to chant the famous lines of the second chapter of the Gita during on what all-pervasive, even unbound soul is all about –while narrating the incident, Bholanath came out with remark that right on that moment alone, Amarnath made specific mention of his learning on the Gita. Bholanath further added that Sannyasins of a very high order generally prefer the slokas of the second chapter of the Gita before leaving this body as a preparation for being submerged in the infinite.

As regards his mother, we heard Bholanath say confidentially that she would not take any salutation or Pranam from Bholanath ever from his child. She also forbade him to touch the feet of anyone. His father too never acknowledged any Pranam or salutation from Bholanath. All this goes to prove that his parents were conscious of what Bholanath essentially was. Such incidents also throw ligah on the fact that maintenance of secrecy strikes the key-note of the spiritual cultivations of his parents, too. Consequently they could pass for a common man without caring for name, fame and worldly possessions.

Sarasibala Devi , in keeping with the family traditions and cultural ethos and above all, inspired by the promptings within, made it a point to visit the Bholanath Temple of Irkona, Dist Burdwan, W.B. and made a fervent forayer to the blessed with a son like Lord Bholanath. It so happened that there were enough indications of the coming of a divine soul immediately there after. If a son born, he will be named after ‘Bholanath’. If a daughter is born, she will go by the name ‘Bhola Dasi’. Such were the divine instructions.

After than, Bholanath was born on 25th December, 1908 in the early hours of the morning at Mejia, Dist Bankure, W.B. at the ancestral house of Girish Chandra Chatterjee, his maternal grand-father.

Bholanath,s birth came as a deadly shock followed by boundless joy. He was born dead. Two eminent doctors declared him to dead. Bholanath’s grandmother Jadumani was pious to the core. She had unflinching faith in lord Bholanath to Irkona whose generousness was believed to be the gift of the child Bholanath to them. She refused to believe that the divine gift can be taken away in this way. With unshaken faith and devotion, she picked up the dead child, placed ‘Manasika’ or worship in the form of a coin and whispered to lord Bholanath of Irkona: “Oh lord Bholanath of Irkona, this child lying dead is your divine gift to us and I give it back to you if you so please.” The dead baby cried out at the top of his voice. The signs of life made themselves visible. People around him were simply stunned.

In all probability, Bholanath was in a state of being merged into the Supreme Being which goes by the name of Samadhi of the highest order the moment of his birth. The spell of Samadhi lasted a few hours. The great spiritual personalities can simultaneously continue as an ordinary man and as an abstract impersonal being present everywhere. While such persons enter into the state of Samadhi go the highest order, their earthly existence may appear to be found no where but the earthly existence remains submerged in the abstract emerging again as and when called upon to do so. So nothing goes wrong when the dead child was back to life after a spell of few hours. The new born baby, apparently dead, sprang into life to fulfill the task of common man as pre-ordained and predetermined by providence.