Bholanath Mukhopadhaya is known as “Master Mahashaya” and “Param Bholanath” in the circle of his devotees. He was always far away from public glare and passed almost unnoticed as a simple school teacher at Vivekananda School, Howrah.

Latest Technology in Spiritual Development As Introduced by Param Bholanath

Bholanath ushered in a new age in its spiritual field, introducing unconventional technology for bringing about Realization and Revelation of divinity. His technology marks a departure from conventional methods as he did override or remove the established practices as follows :

  • No fixed time schedule for chanting the name of God such as in the morning, at noon, or in the evening needs to be followed. One can chant the name of Kali and Shiva anywhere, anytime, even at the toilet.

  • No formal costume or dress like “patta-bastra” is required to be put on.

  • No sitting posture is needed for chanting the name of God. At the office or wherever, you can chant the names of Kali and Shiva (Kali, Kali, Kali, Shivaya Namah).

  • No fixed number of chants like 108 times or one thousand eight times is to be maintained. You can chant the names as you please or as it suits your convenience.

  • You can chant the name in an audible voice or silently on the mental plane.

  • While chanting, whether aloud or silently, remember Bholanath and have a sincere desire to receive the blessing of Bholanath.

  • Follow natural discipline.

  • Neither Hatha yoga nor Raja yoga needs to be practiced. Hatha yoga and Raja yoga will unfold themselves in due time. They will well up from within.

What can he achieved by such chanting and by seeking the blessing of Bholanath ?

By the grace of Bholanath, the original sound wave, that is, OM can have an access in to your inner being slowly and surely. When the radiation of OM-energy will penetrate in to your whole existence, you can have a feel of what OM is though your senses and cells. You will at once be in tune with supreme joy and bless. It will create an overwhelming effect of redeemed sensibility. A brave new world will emerge.

A wave like ethereal substance working within you will not only leave you7 in a state of hither to inexperienced ecstasy, it will also uplift you to such a level that realization and revelation will spring from within uninterrupted. Once this process starts, it continues in different phases in a never ending process. The fall out of this OM movement encompassing and engulfing the whole body brings into the surface level different automatic physical movements, with Hata Yoga and Raj Yoga at work without asking. Thus OM effect comes down to the level of function and Raj Yoga function, leading to divination of all dross and dirt from with in. it renders the breathing slow and almost imperceptible and mental unrest of all kinds comes to an end in the process. First realization comes and then it brings in its trail different kinds of yoga for which no practice is necessary. This is called automatic yoga.

On Automatic Yoga

This is a revolutionary concept both from the point of view of technology and substance or essence of religion or spirituality. Automatic yoga follows no grammar as it has been known so far. Here conclusion comes first and then logic. The penetration or inroads of OM in to our inner being leads to realization and revelation which comes automatically, we being caught unaware. We are as if, overtaken suddenly, without prior intimation and it so happens by the waves of OM sound or OM conducted light. We are usually not prepared for this. We are caught in the most unguarded moment by realization and revelation against such a backdrop. We remain simply spell-bound.

On Automatic Yoga

This Automatic yoga takes us very close to divinity. Knowledge of self or Atma Jana begins to dawn upon us. The eternal memory suddenly springs upon us, like a springing tiger. We are swept off own mundane body-feeling or ‘Dehabodh’ and taken to a state which in beyond time and space, making us experience that we are ever free and unbound and the bondage of life and death is a misnomer, something non-existent. Gradually we are taken to the consciousness that God alone exists and the matter has no independent.