Bholanath Mukhopadhaya is known as “Master Mahashaya” and “Param Bholanath” in the circle of his devotees. He was always far away from public glare and passed almost unnoticed as a simple school teacher at Vivekananda School, Howrah.

Bholanath as he was

Bholanath Mukhopadhaya is known as “Master Mahashaya” and “Param Bholanath” in the circle of his devotees. He was always far away from public glare and passed almost unnoticed as a simple school teacher at Vivekananda School, Howrah. Neither hardly anyone of his colleagues nor anyone in and around the neighborhood or any member of his family could exactly or precisely realize the divine being that Bholanath was. It is also not true to say that more of them could have any inkling of his greatness. Whatever may be the manifestation of the Supreme Being in him, a strange magical spell seemed to be working to cloud the vision of such persons.

There might have been the play of some unseen forces so than his importance or his glory was lost sight of or diluted as part of divine design. Bholanath knew extremely well how to make others forgetful and unmindful of his greatness. It seems that the visions of persons around him got blurred so that they could not see him in true light. So intense was the privacy of his glorious light. He always behaved like a common man and the commonness in him could scarcely leave him. Form time to time by happy chance, there would he immense manifestation of the divinity in him in a full-fledged manner to such few turned out to be his devotees. They alone smelt that God came down to earth this time as an ordinary school teacher, doing his domestic chores.

He was a confirmed bachelor but he never shrugged off his worldly duties. He was down-to-earth and at the same time, he would find himself merged into the highest self. Though steeped in supreme consciousness, he how the extraordinary ability to conceal his greatness. Even his devotees who happened to understand to a considerable degree what he was, failed, more often than not, to hold on to the belief that here was God himself present among them and they frequently wavered between accepting his divinity and looking upon him as one of them, as an ordinary man of flesh and blood.


Bholanath Mukhopadhya was born on 25th December, 1908 at Mejia in the district of Bankura, West Bengal, in a pious Brahmin Family. He graduated from Calcutta University and led the life of a school teacher. He gave up his mortal frame on 28th October, 1993.

Apparently his life was uneventful and he could pass unnoticed from the public eye throughout his life. He had the extra-ordinary capacity to hide himself. His spiritual life was known to a very select few. By his grace, a small group of devotees belonged to his charmed circle. Only a few persons could realize that he has come to this earth to hand over a new spiritual method by which even the commonest man can easily achieve spiritual ecstasy and peace.

Why Mahasangha ?

Now that he is no longer in his mortal frame, there is no difficulty in communicating what he really stood for. He was not for indulging in lengthy lectures. All that he said was in the manner of table talks. By so doing, his power to enlighten people around him expressed itself. His power to reveal himself was not bound by time and space. Persons who came into contact with him, continued to be guided and enlightened even when they were far away from him. Anyone who took recourse to him even without seeing him physically, could realize in the inner recesses of their mind the effect of his spiritual power. Through the simple method of chanting the name of Kali and Shiva, his devotees have succeeded in attaining the heights of spiritual ecstasy. He was capable of imparting to his devotees that state of being when one comes to realize that he has nothing further to ask from life.

Principles of Mahasangha

The essence of devotion and knowledge is distilled into quintessence in the form and expression of OM. Usually Bholanath prohibited the chanting of OM except in special cases, but he could and did impart this OM into the inner being of his devotees without following any conventional method. OM exudes from him even now and will continue to do so for all time to come. The only thing to do is to chant the name of Bholanath, Kali and Shiva. OM functions in human body in an Imperceptible manner by the grace of Bholanath. OM is something like flow of electricity through the human body. Of course, this electrical flow is something ethereal which can be felt through senses and cells in coarse of time by chanting the name of Kali and Shiva.